Have a question about MilkCrate? Find the answers here.

+ What is MilkCrate?

MilkCrate is a tech company that builds apps for mission-driven organization with our app platform.

+ What is an "App Platform"?

An app platform has ready made components, widgets and features ready that clients can pick and choose to build their own app.

+ Does MilkCrate do custom developement?

No, MilkCrate is an app platform. We design affordable apps with your brand color, logo and the selection of features you want.

+ Why an App Platform vs. a Custom App?

Custom apps are more costly and time consuming since they most be made from scratch.

With an app platform it is also easier to change or add features yourself, while with a custom app you most go back to the developer for changes.

+ What kind of apps do you build?

Check out our "Case Studies" and "Product" pages to see examples of our client profile and the features we offer.

+ I am not in the Philadelphia Area, can we work together remotely?

Yes! With our online platform we can create apps for clients located anywhere in the USA and worldwide.

+Is a MilkCrate App right for me?

Our "Criteria" page is where you can see if we are the app platform that best meets your needs.

+How do I create an app with MilkCrate?

Get in touch with us for a free consultation.

+ How much is a MilkCrate App?

The "Pricing" page shows you the pricing plans available to help you create your app.

+ How long does it take to create an app?

Custom apps created with our MilkCrate Platform can be launched within 2-3 months.

+ Where is the data stored?

It is stored on the cloud. We are using Linode’s data center house in Newark, US.

+ Who else has access to your data?

We do not sell your data or make it publically accessible. We only use customer data for platform improvements and general impact metrics.

+ Has MilkCrate done any compliance reviews?

We have not gone out of our way to do any compliance reviews but we take reasonable measures. For example if a user requests to be deleted all their data is deleted with the account.

+ Is your data encrypted?

Traffic between mobile, admin and all of our servers are made encrypted. We also stored the password hashed with one-way encryption.


Have another question? Send us a message with the form below.


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